EUCALL offers Young Researcher Travel Bursaries for Science@FELs 2016



EUCALL provides Travel Bursaries for up to 20 Young Researchers to attend the Science@FELs Conference in Trieste (5 - 7 September 2016).

Science@FELs 2016 will focus on the scientific highlights achieved during the last years in the fast evolving development and operation lasers sources that are enabling experiments to shorter wavelengths, adding element and chemical state specificity by exciting and probing electronic transitions from core levels.

This year Laserlab Europe will take part in the organization of the Science@FELs conference with the aim to stimulate more extensive cross-fertilization and collaboration between the two communities, i.e. those working with lab-scale lasers and FELs, respectively.

Successful candidates can receive up to 500€ to cover travel and accomodation cost for the conference, and can apply for a travel bursary here.