simex_platform: Generic simulation platform for photon science experiments


simex_platform is a platform for simulation of photon science experiments. In many ways it is similar to simS2E; in fact, it started as a clone of simS2E with an added python layer that replaces the configuration deck in simS2E. This means, all steps of the simulation and their parameters, input and output, are controlled either in a python script or interactively in a python shell. The main purpose of this modification is to make it easier for users to hook up their own codes and simulation tools by providing generic interfaces ("calculators").


A reference manual can be found here.

Source code

simex_platform resides on github.


Below are some examples how to use simex_platform to simulate complete start-to-end runs or individual steps of the simulation.

Complete start-to-end simulation (simS2E example).

EMC reconstruction